Tuesday, January 13, 2009


As I was sitting in my room making a friendship bracelet, I started remembering all the friends and acquaintances that I've made in the past. How we said we would always be good friends and would always be there for each other no matter what happened. Halfway through making the bracelet (for those of you that knows me, I'm REALLY bad at mixing and matching colors), I couldn't help but notice how ugly the bracelet was. It really was ugly. I digress.

I have to admit, I'm not really good at keeping in touch (so the friends that I have at the present time; I cherish you). So it's partly my fault for losing contact with old friends. I'm also not that humble, so I'll have to say it's partly their fault for not keeping in touch with me as well (: But I digress again. Honestly, it takes a lot of effort to keep in touch. You need to go out of your way and exert energy and effort to stay in touch. I guess that's how it is with our spiritual life also. We know we need to stay close to God, no matter where we are, but we do not want to go out of our comfort zone and exert energy and effort. We would rather watch television, go online, play games, chat with friends, etc. rather than to kneel down for merely 20 minutes to pray to God, spend a few minutes to read the Bible, and to stay cultivated.

No matter how hard we try to please our friends, it will only be temporary. Things will never last, no matter how good of a friend you are to each other. But when you try to please God, He will remember for ages to come. He will remember and reciprocate. He is the only constant thing in life. We all know that. So pursue what matters.

I need to learn how to mix and match colors better. Definitely.

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