Thursday, January 8, 2009

Start of Something New

For a while, I've been contemplating on whether I should start blogging or not. With this post, the answer's been decided.

It has been a while since I've typed or written down any of my thoughts hence I haven't the faintest clue as to where to begin. Seeing a new year has just begun, I've been reflecting more about the past year - especially the change I've noticed in myself. It's not the first time I've changed, but this year, I realized why I've changed.

In our walks of life, we tend to meet different people who plays a role in your life. Whether great or small, they'll leave a mark. Once in a while, we tend to meet someone who will inspire us in different ways that will encourage us to change ourselves. To change to become better. I have met a handful last year that have had that affect on me. They have that affect not because they are perfect or flawless in their attitude, deeds, personality, and so forth. But rather, they stimulate me to become a better person by their own actions and mindset. They are already a good human beings but they push themselves to become better. They go above and beyond expectations set by men so they can please God. From that, they have inspired me to become better as well. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not...

Anyway, last week, we had a Spiritual Convocation for college/working youths. During the seminar, I've experienced two prayers where I was moved to tears. One: when my friend (who was and still is a truthseeker) received the Holy Spirit by the grace of God. I did not find out the good news until one prayer, when he was next to me, that I heard him praying in tongue. During that prayer, I started to cry. Cried to God because of His unfailing love. His love which compelled my friend to come to church. To attend the convocation. To be able to sit and listen to class after class from this book he knew nothing about. To be able to pray countless minutes all the while interceding for others whom he did not know at the same time not even knowing the meaning of interceding. To experience the joy of Holy Spirit, of prayer, and fellowship among brothers and sisters in Christ.

This was a feeling new to me. In my sixteen years of Christian faith, I did not know such a feeling existed. What a joy it was to know that a wandering soul has been brought back to God. That a sheep outside the fold is back in the pen and the chance of salvation is within reach!

Two: during a prayer during dessert, I started praying for the youths of the church. I can't help notice how they are wandering farther and farther away from God. I cried because I knew they were jeopardizing their faith to fit in with the world. As it was stated from another reflection, "In this world, equality is synonymous with justice, fairness, and the 'rights' of individuals. We expect that as a member of society, each of us is entitled to the same opportunities and the same privileges as any other. When we are deprived of equality, we often feel cheated out of something that is rightfully ours." I feel as if the youths of the younger generation feel the same way. They know they have to be different, but pressure from their peers is skewing their mindset and tempting them to change. They want to fit in...but just with the wrong group. All one can do is pray and be there for them when needed.

...I just want to become a better person than the day before, with God's help.

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